Parking tickets are annoying

When they’re relevant, when they’re not

Parking tickets are annoying, especially the ones received from an institute in which thousands of dollars are already being invested.

I understand parking tickets, in their entirety, and what they are given for, but at times the reason can be regarded as “stupid.” With all this to say, I believe students should not receive parking tickets while parked in their own lot associated with their residence hall.

Everyone has seen the signs that say “No Parking Here Between Dates” and then it states “NovMar.” The reason being when snow falls the plows are easily able to have somewhere to pile the snow, a car being there of course would only make the situation more difficult.

What about when there is no snow? Why must I give up a perfectly fit spot when the weather states no snow for the next two to three days? It is inconvenient and only  wastes the time of residents when arriving at their residence hall.

Receiving a parking ticket for parking there — to top it off — only makes the situation that much more inconvenient in the life of a busy college student. If there is no snow, there is nothing for workers to plow, thus allowing students in an overflowing parking lot to use up the very convenient spots left.

Instead, a parking ticket for $20 is issued to the student. What is left to do but be angry at an institution for an inconvenient and inconsiderate act?

Furthermore, parking spots and parking lots do not meet the student ratio. Metered parking spots are often found in odd areas or there is not a sufficient amount without running the risk of a ticket.

As said, parking tickets are understandable, the meter runs out, obviously a ticket is demanded, get out bud! But handing parking tickets for parking in areas that respectfully could be used by non-commuters, c’mon now, I’m positive the institute could have spared a couple.

Ferris could help its open-minded students rather than penalize them. Overflow parking lots exist, yes, but who designed these floor plans? Specifically taking a look at how lot 28 belongs to some residents living in Clark Hall when other areas could be used for them.

Maybe at the end of the day, others on campus are not bothered by the floor plan of the parking lots and unavailability of parking spots. Though, Ferris should reconsider the placement of where parking lots are located, as well as the availability of either metered parking spots or non-commuter spots in order to better suit its students.