Sept. 25, Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Judge of the Seventh Circuit Court Appeals, to fill the seat of the Late-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Judge Barrett has only had three years of experience being a judge when she was appointed to the Seventh Circuit by President Trump back in 2017. This is a controversial decision to nominate Judge Barrett because of her strong beliefs on pro-life, and anti-LGBTQAI+ remarks in former speeches.
Sept. 27, The New York Times (NYT) obtained files of President Trumps tax returns. It was reported that President Trump paid $750 for the tax year of 2017 and 2016, with plus 10 years of not having to pay federal income tax. Some of the tax returns came back saying President Trump wrote of more than $70,000 dollars’ worth of haircuts for the apprentice, just for himself, and $96,000 for his daughter’s hair and makeup artist for the show The Apprentice. In addition, he wrote of over two million dollars of legal defense for himself and his son, Donald Trump Jr. The President held an evening preconference stating it is ‘fake news’ and how the Internal Revenue Service “don’t treat me well. They treat me very badly. You have people in the IRS that they treat me very, very badly.” The NYT has not disclosed their source but will continue to update the story when they gain new information.
Sept. 29, The debates took place on all major news platforms and YouTube. The topics talked about where the records of Trump and Biden, The Supreme Court, COVID-19, the economy, race and violence in populated cities, and the integrity of the Election. There will be two more debates on Oct. 15 and Oct 22. If you missed the debate it can be re-watched on YouTube.