My culture

A look into the life of a first generation Ferris student

Lucero Hernandez

Guest Writer

As the daughter of two Mexican immigrants, I have learned to appreciate what I have. Coming from a low-income family has taught me to work hard to have the things I have, and to value my hard work to be where I am today.

I come from an advanced generation full of many opportunities that my school has to offer, such as technology. Technology plays a big role in my education. My family has taught me to appreciate every tradition, food and clothing we have. Growing up in the fields, you learn to value every dollar you make.

I have worked hard to manage my money wisely and to invest in my education. My culture has taught me the value of family and tradition. I am proud to be a Mexican American, Chicana and Latinx. As a first-generation student, I value my education. I am the first in my family to attend a university. I am a sophomore at Ferris State who is majoring in public health with a focus on nutrition.

Hispanic Heritage Month represents culture, from its colors to its traditions. In Mexico, we celebrate the independence of our country from Spain on Sept. 16. Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla, who were from the small town of Dolores Guanajuato, rang a bell telling people to fight against the  Spanish soldiers and fight for the independence of their country. This is known as el Grito de la Independencia (cry of independence).