The Academic Opportunity Fair returned in-person to offer students information on resources provided on campus, along with free goods.
On Tuesday, Oct. 12, the Academic Support Center hosted their annual Academic Opportunity Fair in the University Center. The event consisted of tables lined throughout the UC conference room that were manned by members of various Ferris departments, offices and services. Each table offered students a free item, these items included notebooks, headphones, planners and t-shirts. Esports, the Office of Multicultural Student Services, the College of Arts and Sciences, Flite librarians and others were represented at the event.
“It’s good to get the students in to see the different offices and services available to them that they may not have known about,” David Scott, a marketing and outreach librarian, said.
According to Karen Royster-James, the Academic Support Center supervisor, the fair attracted 200 students this year.
Last year this event was held virtually due to COVID-19. According to Jonathan Eaton, the esports coordinator, it did not seem to attract students as much as the in-person fair, which had students filtering in and out.
“I prefer in person,” Eaton said. “Virtually was the best that we could do at the time.”
The Academic Opportunity Fair is usually held mid-fall semester to remind students of the services offered to them. According to Royster-James, available funding only allows for this event to be held once in both the fall and spring semesters.
Julie Alexander, the director of Accessibility & Disability Resources, stated that the event allowed her to promote their Disability Awareness Month events.
To promote safety, the tables were scattered and given ample room to promote social distancing. Masks were also required.