The harsh chill of November barely begins to settle in when store clerks all across the states begin to display their holiday collection of decor. A dozen trees here, a few inflatable Santas there and a couple of wreaths hung neatly on the wall.
Throughout the few months leading to the long-awaited holiday season, I hear dozens of people say it’s to early to start preparing for Christmas. They say that you should at least wait until after Thanksgiving. I can’t help but wonder why they don’t get excited for the holidays.
As childish as it may seem, I count down the days left until the holiday season. What’s not to look forward to? It’s true that the holiday season can be a bit chaotic, but when I was growing up, there was never a happier time of year. No matter what was going on in my life, I could always count on Christmas being a day of excitement and joy.
Even now as an adult, I look forward to the day when I’ll be able to see my loved ones again. For many families, Christmas is one of the few times each year when they’ll be able to welcome home loved ones who are currently serving in the United States military. For others, it’s a time we spend with our young children. Each giggle and gasp of surprise at the gifts under the tree is magical. It’s a time that always brings family and friends just a little bit closer.
With each “happy holidays” I feel the spark of excitement. Christmas brings love, laughter and kindness. Sometimes, these are things a lot of us really need in our lives. Whether it’s a plate of cookies from the neighbors or a well thought out gift from your closest friend, even a small bit of kindness goes a long way. So when people say it’s to early to get excited about Christmas, I always wonder why.
I’m not excited about Christmas itself, I’m excited about the many wonderful things that come with it. I can’t help but become excited for the holidays. It may seem a bit odd for stores to line up their Christmas trees next to the Halloween costumes, or for radio stations to play Christmas carols before Black Friday, but you’ll never see me complain if they do. It reminds me that I’m one step closer to opening gifts with my brothers, baking sugar cookies with my grandma and wrapping my arms around the soldier who stole my heart.
Before you say bah humbug, remember all of the incredible things that are soon to come, and let yourself feel the giddy thrill that comes with Christmas morning for just a moment.