Taylor Swift’s first film, “All Too Well: The Short Film,” premiered on Nov. 12. The film stars Sadie Sink (Stranger Things) and Dylan O’Brien (Maze Runner) who play a couple where the man is significantly older.
The seemingly perfect relationship is fraught with fights, gaslighting and manipulation.
The film goes back and forth between heartbreaking scenes of fights and tears and scenes of happiness and laughter. It gives whiplash in the best way by showing what a toxic relationship can feel and look like.
Throughout the entire film, the 10-minute version of “All Too Well” plays, except for a four-minute scene midway through that depicts the couple arguing.
The scene ends with Sink’s character feeling embarrassed and like what happened was her fault and she was being “dramatic.” This scene was so incredibly raw and well-acted. Watching I could see aspects of the scene relate to my own life in different ways.
The film ends with Swift in a red wig. As this was her directorial debut and a song that she has written and performed I think it was incredibly powerful for it to end with her.
I truly didn’t think this song could get sadder but then I heard the 10-minute version and saw the film. It was truly heartbreaking but beautiful and brilliant.