Giuliana Denicolo – Culture Editor


Giuliana Denicolo | Demo 64

Hey everyone! My name is Giuliana, but most people call me Giuls. I’m from the Chicago suburbs and I’m super Italian. My major is journalism and technical communication, and my passion for writing has grown so much with the time I’ve been studying at Ferris. My goal is to write for a fashion magazine once I graduate. I really enjoy shopping and decorating. I would describe myself as funny, sassy, sweet, and energetic. I’ve worked at the Torch for about two years and have had a huge improvement in writing, reporting, editing, and more! I’m a senior this year and that’s basically been my personality since the start of this semester. As the culture editor, I’m looking for new and fun stories to put in my section, so keep the Torch in mind! If you ever see me around campus, don’t be shy to say hi!