Tommy Dean’s flash fiction

Ferris held their annual literature in-person reading featuring Flash-fiction award-winning author, Tommy Dean.

With 20 engaged members in attendance for the one-hour-long event that was held in the Fine Arts Gallery, Dean read 10 of his published pieces and also read some of his new work. At the end of the event, audience members were open to ask questions or buy one of his books and get an autograph from the author.

Dean started writing in his 20s and now has three published pieces: The Hollow, The Covenants, and Special Like the People on TV.

“It’s hard writing feelings and characters, and that’s why I like writing flash fiction,” Dean said. “It’s more comfortable being in that kind of space. You can write it more quickly with not as much detail. Sometimes I even write a piece in 30 minutes.”

Most of Dean’s published writings are fiction. He not only is a writer but also teaches writing as well.

“It was cool to see the audience engaged in my readings and asking questions,” Dean said. “You could tell they wanted to learn more about writing but that they also wanted to be able to improve their pieces. I was so thankful to be invited to this event and be able to spend time with writing students.”

Spanish and French professor Eric Warner was present at the literature reading due to his love for literature.

“I normally study literature in Spanish or French so I always enjoy gaining perspective from literature that is produced in the United States,” Warner said.

Warner feels that throughout the reading and the Q&A in the end, it is obvious to him that Dean is passionate about writing and his work. Warner believes that “everyone can gain from that.”

Along with Warner, assistant professor Mindy Meyers also decided to come out and show her support for author Dean. Meyers was “impressed” to see all the students in attendance.

“I think this was a great experience for all the students who came,” Meyers said. “I was impressed to see all the students asking questions at the end. I think it was good for them to get a perspective from somebody who is doing writing.”

Along with several faculty members in the audience, there were quite a few students present and eager to hear about Dean’s writing.

Senior in the English program with a minor in art history, Gypsy Bates found it “interesting” to hear from someone who is within her major speak.

“After going to the workshop with him, I wanted to hear more of his work,” Bates said. “I love fiction and am a part of the English society. Since we helped Dr. Fagan get people to come to the event, we thought we would come and see what it was all about.”

Dean plans to continue to help teach writing and to continue writing himself. He hopes one day to publish a novel.

 “I always have ideas about what to write next,” Dean said.

There will be another literature in-person event celebrating National Poetry Month this spring.