Campus inclusivity

Staff and students share thoughts on all-gender bathrooms on campus

Ferris students may have noticed new signage debuting around campus regarding more inclusive restrooms this week.

A Ferris Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee, the Campus Climate Team, has been working on implementing more consistency and inclusivity throughout bathrooms on campus.

Gender-inclusive bathrooms have been implemented in common spaces around campus, such as the bathrooms behind the IT service center in the DEC. Photo Credit: Brianna Wichman l Freelance Photographer

Member of the all-gender restroom committee and facilities management project manager Karen Simmon credits the idea of addressing these restrooms to students.

“This was brought forward by students,” Simmon said. “A lot of what we work on in [our] subcommittee comes directly from issues brought up by students.”

Simmon mentions wanting to implement more availability of feminine hygiene products as well as baby changing stations across the campus’ restrooms in addition to creating more inclusive signage.

“Students would see consistency in what’s available in the restrooms,” Simmon said. “Students would notice the change in signage as well.”

Simmon attributes the successes seen to the students and to the greater plan Ferris has.

“It’s been very good. I’ve enjoyed being on the committee, learning a lot more about the day-to-day issues that students are facing and learning how Ferris is responding to them,” Simmon said.

“Our guidance comes from the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging plan. So you’ll see that it has goals and it projects out until 2027 how we’re going to meet those goals. And so I like to think that we work hand-in-hand and kind of focus on tasks that are also included in the plan.”

The “Helping Others Rise” plan has specific, attainable goals. One of these goals is to “provide the infrastructure to support diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging,” such as the updated restrooms.

“You don’t enjoy hearing about some of the situations and some of the problems, but you start to feel a sense of accomplishment when you’re able to look at things like this and implement a plan. That’s rewarding,” Simmon said.

Simmon also pointed to the Wellness Room on the second floor of the Birkam Health Center Building as an example of another inclusive and thoughtful implementation of Ferris’ plan.
Graphic media management sophomore Mackenzie Griffin said that she felt that the only events on campus included diversity and inclusivity.

Griffin noted that she approved of the inclusive restrooms, and would like to see more inclusivity.
“If I’m being honest, I feel like [Ferris] does a lot of things for show, to be politically correct, without actually putting in the effort to really make a difference,” Griffin said.

Computer networking systems senior Thomas Tichelaar expressed that he thought the all-gender bathrooms were “a good first step” for Ferris’ inclusivity.

“I feel like the variety of RSOs around Ferris do a very good job representing diversity and inclusion,” Tichelaar said. “I’m not sure that the school does as much as they should regarding actual implementation of diversity and inclusion. Like I said, I like the restroom change and I think that’s a good example of the kind of thing I’d like to see more of moving forward.”

The addition of more inclusive and thoughtful design in Ferris’ campus facilities is an indication of the work these committees hope to accomplish in the coming years.

Mackenzie Griffin formerly worked as a culture reporter for the Torch in 2022.