Bringing back Geocaching

An adventure is right outside your door

Harmony Goodman | Demo 64

Exams are finally over, and the dorm halls have fallen silent. The only other thing I need to see is the sun to prove it’s finally summer. With a peak of light through my window, I know it is finally time for the summer fun to begin. 

If you’re like me and want to spend more time with your family and friends this summer, I have the perfect activity for you. We could all use a little more outdoor time, and what better way to get outdoors than an adventure? 

The perfect opportunity has been around for years, it’s called Geocaching. Geocaching is an activity around the globe where you can seek out a hidden container with clues and locations. Once you find one, you can add your name to a list containing other names and the date found. Some even have a “take something, leave something” function. It’s a great way to get out and have fun while exploring more of your hometown and even the Big Rapids area.

When I was little, I used to go on geocaching hunts with my family all over my hometown. Even though my hometown is fairly small, I always found something new to enjoy while my family and I were out. Geocaching wasn’t just a thing to do with my family and friends. Back when it first gained popularity, my family and I met so many new people out hunting as well, and it was a great way to get to know the members of my community better. 

The fun doesn’t stop with just your hometown either. If you’re planning on going on vacation, this is a great activity to do as well. Wherever you plan on traveling, you’re likely to find a geocache if you pull out the app. I have even managed to find some without even trying, which is always exciting. 

No matter where you are or who you’re with, if you’re looking for a way to get involved with your communitygeocaching might be on your summer bucket list. It’s scavenger-hunting fun that gets you outdoors and offers free entertainment. If you find yourself a part of the geocaching community, let me know if you find my name on one.