Why women vote

Your vote, your voice

In an important election, such as the 2024 presidential election, voting is as crucial as ever.

For the past decade, there has been debate back and forth about women’s rights. The Supreme Court is mostly made up of men, and there’s no history of women in presidential power. I can’t help but feel concerned.

When it comes to women’s rights and our bodies, why are men controlling the majority of the vote? This issue is exactly why democracy is so important. We all deserve a say in what we need and want in our society.

That is why, as a woman, I am choosing to vote and make my voice heard.

According to Five Thirty-Eight in 2020, it was found that most Americans don’t vote because they think their vote either doesn’t matter or doesn’t make a difference. When so many people feel this way it gets easier for the next person to think and feel the same.

So why does your vote matter? Your voice is an influence on others around you. No matter the outcome of a vote, you’ll know that you were a part of that decision. For most voters, especially first-time voters, voting can be an intimidating experience. Having someone you know and trust who has had the same experience is valuable. Especially when it comes to our generation.

I stress the importance of voting and encouraging others to vote. Especially with early voting and absentee ballots. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to do so. Politics affects all of us, so it only makes sense that we all vote and do our part for a better tomorrow.

We deserve for people to listen to us and take into account our thoughts and feelings. As a woman, we deserve to see women in places of power, whether it’s in the Oval Office or the Supreme Court.