It is crunch time. The last week before exams is here, and everyone is running around cramming to finish projects and trying to study.
The most important thing on everyone’s mind is to finish the last week so we all can go home for a month—a month of relaxation, for that is what we all need.
I think everyone deserves the chance to relax. The last couple weeks have been very hectic at The Torch. All of you probably have heard about our financial situation, but on Friday, Nov. 30, we got news that we will stay the school newspaper.
This was a great relief, and now it is time to prove why we deserved the funding. But before I jump into that, I need a mental break. On top of The Torch, I am a full-time student, and that is my main focus.
We have all worked hard to finish up the semester, and we need some family and friends time. It is great to see everyone over the break. Some may go home to work so they can earn some extra cash. We all know college isn’t cheap between the booze and books.
While some may try to relax, we all know there is so much that could be done during break. I know personally the first week always consists of running around finishing up Christmas presents. I never have time between studying and completing projects to even start my list.
This takes up a good week, and then starts all the house cleaning and other miscellaneous tasks. My month is gone before I know it. I try to plan out my month, but I always seem to fail to complete everything on my list.
This year I have decided against making the long list. Why not just enjoy my time off instead of trying to be super woman and get everything done? We all deserve a break—after all, is that not what “break” is for?
Kick up your feet and enjoy the snow (if we actually get any that accumulates). Make sure you get outside, hit the slopes or even build a fort. Embrace your childhood days of having nothing to do but play when holiday break came around.
Forget the long list and take the time to de-stress and enjoy the company surrounding you.