Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and community businesses gathered in Wink Arena to display to students what they have to offer for Bulldog Bonanza.
Bulldog Bonanza is an opportunity for Ferris State University’s students to get involved on campus and off.
RSO’s like Circle K International, Ferris Recyclers, Ferris Stars, and Standing in the Gap use Bulldog Bonanza to get their word out to students who could possibly be interested in them.
“Bulldog Bonanza has helped us get people signed up and more people are asking questions about it,” Rebecca Gray, Ferris sophomore majoring in applied speech and representative of Standing in the Gap, said.
Bulldog Bonanza helps RSO’s recruit students to help earn volunteer hours and make a difference on campus.
“Usually every year after Bulldog Bonanza I gain about 20 new members,” Sarah Walters, senior majoring in medical laboratory and representative of Ferris Recyclers, said.
Circle K International is a 5 Star organization on campus and is service based. Circle K International puts on activities for children in the community like the haunted house, angel trees, Easter baskets for foster kids, and much more.
“We want to do more with the foster kids this year and get to know them better too,” Tiffany Newman, sophomore majoring in forensic biology and biotechnology and representative of Circle K International, said.
Other community businesses and organizations like Little Caesars, Walgreens, Salvation Army and Women’s Information Services, Inc. (WISE) set up tables to hand out coupons or provide resources to students.
WISE is a domestic violence and sexual assault program for women in Mecosta, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. WISE offers a 24 hour crisis line and an emergency shelter for women and children.
“We really want to get involved with Ferris and just let students know that there is an organization like this out there,” Barbara Landgraf, sexual assault advocate for WISE, said.
For some students, attending events were required as a part of the FSUS class.
“It’s actually a lot of fun here,” Lainey Wheler, freshman majoring in biology, said. “I only had to go because of my FSUS class though.”
Wheler said she would wait to join RSO’s until later in the year or next year.