Truth Brunch
On Feb. 25, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated will be hosting an event called the Truth Brunch, which is an event in recognition of Black History Month. Speaking at this event will be Ronald Snead, Ferris alumnus and former Chair of the FSU Board of Trustees. This event is set to take place in the University Center room 202B. Space is limited. If you wish to attend, RSVP by emailing omss@ or calling 231-591-2617.
On Feb. 25, 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Ferris professor James Shimko will be presenting on how to prepare your own taxes and maximize your tax refund. Anyone earning $62,000 or less per year is eligible to use the services being presented. This demonstration will be held in FLITE, room 114.
Big Event sign-up
The form to sign up for the Big Event is now available online at The Big Event Kickoff will begin at 9 a.m. the morning of April 16. All volunteer forms are due by Friday, March 4 by 5 p.m.
FLITE hour change
This semester, FLITE library will be changing their hours on Saturdays to 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on a trial basis. Students can support the change by being present at the library during these new hours.
2016 course guide available
The Fall 2016 schedule is now viewable online. You can view course offerings, your assigned registration date and time, your advisor information and any registration holds. Fall 2016 registration will begin March 28, 2016.