Freshman year at Ferris

Students review their first year as a Bulldog

As the spring semester is winding down and students are preparing for exams, projects and presentations, freshmen students will be reflecting on their first year at Ferris.

Ferris professional golf management (PGM) freshman Blake Davis has enjoyed his first year here, mostly due to the PGM program.

“When I was doing my college search, I couldn’t choose any major that interested me besides golf, and it just so happened the PGM program was at a university only an hour from my home,” Davis said. “Ferris was the obvious choice.”

Although Davis is satisfied with a major that is preparing him for a career in the golf industry, he strongly resents residence hall life. He is an independent person and residence hall life is too confining for him, so he is excited to move to Tioga Park Apartments this coming fall.

Ferris construction management freshman Connor Timinski also dislikes residence hall life and will be living in the Rapids Apartments next fall semester. Timinski is part of Associated Construction Students (ASC). He stated that ASC has been great and he is excited to do more with it in his sophomore year.

“ASC recently took a field trip to Chicago to look at infrastructure and it was great,” Timinski said. “Currently, we are working on building baseball dugouts for the club baseball team.”

Ferris public relations and marketing freshman Erin Patten really enjoys the diversity of Ferris and the career-based programs. Patten manages her packed schedule with two jobs, two majors, 18 credits and membership in the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. She also plans on joining the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) this fall.

Patton is also vice president of the soon-to-be established personal strength and success registered student organization called Building Of Strengths and Success (BOSS). Patten wants to help students find the uniqueness and strengths within themselves.

Patten said that joining Phi Sigma Sigma has been one of her favorite parts of her first year.

“Joining Phi Sigma Sigma has been amazing,” Patten said. “There is a wide-range of girls who embrace individuality and I really like that. It has been such a greater time commitment than I originally anticipated, but so worth it for the support system and having Olivia Odette as a Big Sister.”

One last student who touched on their first year is Ferris psychology and criminal justice freshman Tess Strasser. As opposed to Davis and Timinksi, Strasser loves living in Miller Hall.

“I came to Ferris with my friend Jessica from back home,” said Strasser. “My first day moving in, I had to bring all of my stuff to the third floor of Miller and was not sure what college would be like, but having a friend from home living in my hall has made this experience amazing.”

Joining the Alpha Xi Delta sorority has been Strasser’s favorite part of freshman year. She is the 5-Star and Ritual Chair and has gained a great sisterhood and social experiences. Also, Strasser was recently elected the public relations head of the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity.