Ferris business administration students will soon have the opportunity to spend two semesters in Kleve, Germany, obtaining a dual degree while immersing in the German culture.
“The dual degree applies to business administration students,” said Ferris Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Paul Blake. “They will earn that degree at FSU and the International Business degree will be earned through Rhine-Waal University (RW).”
Although a single semester exchange program has been available for business administration students since 2013, students will be able to participate in a two-semester dual degree program starting in the fall semester of 2017, according to Blake.
“The academic programs are offered in English, which makes it easier for students to spend a semester or two in Germany completing their degree without being slowed by language considerations,” Blake said. “At the same time, it provides an opportunity for a type of semi-immersion in the German language.”
According to Blake, the partnership enables students from Rhine-Waal to attend Ferris for the same dual degrees, as many of the academic programs align well with Ferris.
“The exchange agreement allows our students to pay reg- ular tuition at FSU in order to attend RW,” Blake said. “There are no additional tuition costs so that the only additional costs are travel costs and under the individual student’s control.”
Ferris students participating in the program will typically live in a shared apartment in Kleve, which has a population of about 30,000. Housing will be paid for in Germany unlike
the tuition that will be paid for through Ferris, according to Ferris’ Dean of the College of Business David Nicol.
“Rhine-Waal has about 6,000 students enrolled,” Nicol said. “International students [are] in the majority from 120 countries.”
According to Nicol, the typical student would study in Germany during their third year at Ferris, spending their first, second and fourth year in Big Rapids, although there are exceptions.
Both Nicol and Blake agree that the program will prepare students for a global environment by giving them the international experience through immersion.
For more information, students are encouraged to contact the Office of International Education at international@ferris. edu. Their office is located in IRC 134.