It’s the season of signing housing contracts, but residents in Miller Hall were told to seek housing elsewhere.
Students such as Ferris pre-pharmacy sophomore Noah Blower were notified that housing assignments for Miller Hall would start in February, even after they had already signed.
“You could already have signed up for a room for early housing,” Blower said. “Like, I had already signed up to move back to Miller and they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s closed’.”
Although it wasn’t hard for Blower to find a new place to live for next year, the two-year resident had plans to stay in the hall.
“I mean, it is kind of disappointing because, you know, it’s something that you get used to and you kind of fall into a habit and it feels like home,” Blower said. “The more time you spend somewhere, the more it feels like home and it’s just kind of sad to see it go after two years, I guess.”
Ferris freshman Taya Treiber is spending her second semester in the dorms. Treiber, however, is not upset with the hall closing because she already had different plans for next year.
“I love living in Miller,” Treiber said. “I feel like I really found my family here. I’m grateful for experiencing living in the dorms. I don’t think it was a good thing it is closing, but I understand why it is.”
The email sent out to residents explained that the hall would not be accepting incoming freshmen and would delay housing for current residents, however, no specific dates were given.
“I’m not 100 percent positive because it sounds like they’re not allowing new people to sign up and they’re encouraging everybody who is there now to move, so it sounds like [it’s closing] next semester for sure,” Blower said.
The email also offered suggestions for additional housing for honors students, which include Puterbaugh, Pickell, Ward and Henderson. But the email does not explain what will happen to the hall.
“I don’t think that it’s necessarily necessary, but I also think there’s plans for it that we don’t know about, so there’s something behind it that’s kind of driving it,” Blower said. “It’s definitely not falling apart. It’s in pretty good condition, but I’m assuming they’re trying to add new things and I know that the plumbing and heating systems are probably a little bit out of date, so I’m sure it’s things like that that they’re planning on changing to kind of make people more comfortable than it already is.”
The Ferris housing Department was unavailable for comment prior to the publication deadline.