10 things every college student should know

There are simple things you can do to get the most out of your college experience

Graphic Courtesy of MCT CampusThere is a lot to learn when you are new to being a college student and there are a lot of tips you can use to be smart about your own college experience.

According to collegeview.com, there are 10 major mistakes and misconceptions college students tend to make or have.

One of the biggest fears that college students can have is that they are undecided or unsure of their major. This isn’t as big a problem as some might think. Many students change their major at least once, and there is time to figure out what you want to do as you take general education classes.

Another thing to be aware of is textbooks. Many students buy textbooks from the bookstore before classes begin. Sometimes you do not actually need the book for the class and usually instructors let you know. A good thing to do is wait until after the first couple classes to buy your books and then look for cheaper options like ordering off the internet.

In your freshman year you are required to meet with your advisor. Don’t take this lightly. Advisors help you map out your schedule, give advice about professors, and can even help you graduate early. They are an important resource that should be utilized.

Professors should be looked at as vital to your learning experience. Ferris usually has small class sizes so it’s easier to get to know your professors. Introduce yourself to them and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Professors can provide you with great references or even open doors to jobs.

It is important to get involved on campus. It can help you network, make long-lasting friendships, relieve homesickness, and give you great experience. Certain organizations can also give you great experience for the field you are going into.

Getting to know your campus and the surrounding areas is important. There are always safety hazards to consider so make sure you carry around your cell phone and try to travel in groups, especially at night. You might even consider purchasing some pepper spray.

Finances are something students can learn to manage and you don’t have to go in to debt during college. Giving yourself a budget every week for everything from food to entertainment can allow you to keep track of your money and be more conservative. Try not to use a credit card except in emergencies. It’s easy to lose track when you swipe a card.

Internship experience is important for your future career. Even if your program doesn’t require you to do an internship, it is still a good idea because employers like applicants that have some type of experience. Internships can make you more competitive once you graduate and you might even be offered a position where you intern.

Studying abroad is something that can be available to all students. It might be expensive, but scholarships and grants are available if you are willing to put in the time to find them. Studying abroad can not only provide great hands on experience, but also allow you to explore the world and learn about other cultures.

One final rule of thumb is that students should always take time to relax. College is hard and there is a lot of homework, but if you don’t allow yourself time to step back and have fun you’ll miss out. Taking a break relieves stress and helps you keep your goals in perspective.

These simple tips can not only help you during your college experience, but can also help get you off on the right foot after you graduate. n