Securing a job post-graduation is a process that, for many Ferris seniors, can be long and stressful.
According to an article by Ferris President David Eisler, 89% of Ferris students find employment in their field upon graduation.
However, some students find the process of getting there to be more difficult than it seems.
Some students become overwhelmed with the requirements of their major, such as Ferris automotive engineering technology senior Samuel Hanzelka, who said that the pressure to find a good internship makes finding a job even more difficult.
“I’ve gone to the career fairs and the events around campus that they have. I go to those and I guess, view employers, but I haven’t really tried to put my foot in the door,” Hanzelka said. “I feel like, honestly, my program makes it hard because some of their requirements to get a degree are a bit outrageous.”
Other students feel that the job eld for their major is simply too competitive. Ferris digital animation and game design senior Krystal Davis does not yet have a job, but has been constantly searching for one.
“In the field of game design, it’s very competitive. Basically, you want to be the first one in the door with a company over your peers. Otherwise, there’s a chance that you could miss out on a wonderful opportunity,” Davis said.
For Davis, the stressful job search process consists of looking for opportunities in state, out of state and even out of the country.
“I will say it is stressful, because when you look at those who work for the companies that you want to work for and you see their skill level and their portfolios, you wonder, ‘Am I good enough?'” Davis said.
Fortunately, Ferris offers a variety of services that can be helpful for students who are looking for their future jobs. The Center for Leadership, Activities and Career Services (CLACS) can help students applying for jobs with document preparation, resume and cover letter review, and a variety of other services, according to Ferris Coordinator for Career and Volunteer Centers Michele Albright.
One of CLACS’ useful resources is that, once enrolled at Ferris, an individual can access their services indefinitely. Representatives at the Career Center are happy to assist both current students and alumni.
Online computer platforms such as Handshake and Big Interview are also available to Ferris students. Handshake helps students connect with employers and posts between 11,000 and 17,000 job opportunities each day. Big Interview allows students to practice their interview skills online, since many employers have begun conducting prescreening interviews via Skype, Albright said.
Additional services provided by CLACS include career and internship fairs, career research, career planning assistance, workshops, job shadowing and soft skills certificate programs.
“Ideally, I’d like to see all students visit the office within their first year of college, at least to touch base and see what we have to offer,” Albright said.
For career assistance, students can email or visit the CLACS office in the University Center.