October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month, and Women’s Information Service (WISE) and the Student Parent Association (SPA) have teamed up to run a feminine hygiene drive and raise awareness for the issue of domestic abuse.
This drive will be taking place every Wednesday in October at the main entrance to FLITE.
According to Ferris’ social work masters student and SPA Secretary Bianca Butler and Ferris criminal justice masters student and SPA President Trisha Blackwell, they will be donating all of the collected items to the women’s shelter in Big Rapids.
“We are raising awareness for domestic abuse and collecting feminine hygiene products,” Butler said. “We collected about 10 items. I think the event went well spreading the word of Domestic violence awareness. Hopefully, more people will bring feminine hygiene products now that they know we will be there.”
While they feel the first event went well, WISE and SPA are each optimistic about turnout being higher in the coming weeks.
Domestic abuse is extremely common, even in a smaller town like Big Rapids. According to Big Rapids’ The Pioneer, domestic abuse in the form of physical violence has affected 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the United States. But that’s just the physical abuse. Domestic abuse also includes emotional, financial and verbal abuse, among others. There are many different ways that partners can abuse one another, and that’s what WISE and SPA are trying to educate people on.
Students seemed to support this event, as it gave necessary information on a topic that wasn’t as talked about as it should be.
“It’s a common problem that isn’t talked about, but a surprising number of people experience domestic abuse,” Ferris pre-pharmacy sophomore Kyle Latta said. “I’m glad events like this happen, so people feel more comfortable to speak out and seek help.”
Anyone wanting to donate more feminine hygiene or wellness products or looking to learn more about domestic abuse and what it means can visit WISE and SPA on one of the remaining Wednesdays in October. They will be located in FLITE on Oct. 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.