Treat yo-self

How self-care can make an impact

Between the stress of classes and trying to juggle work, college can be extremely exhausting.

One thing Ferris secondary education senior Aaron Wisner does to relieve stress is what he calls “Saturday spending.” Wisner will budget himself money throughout the week so he has a little extra cash to spend on Saturdays. This helps Wisner get out of the house and find something interesting to do.

Wisner also values time with friends, even if his friends are miles away.

“Most of my friends from childhood live in other states now, so the best way to keep in touch is through video games,” Wisner said. “Almost every night, our long-time group of friends from home get together and play games for a while. Even if it is only for an hour, we make sure we have time for it. It helps us all deal with living in new places on our own.”

Another thing Wisner likes to do is cook. He frequently tries out new recipes to help broaden his cooking spectrum. Although the recipes don’t always work out, he still enjoys the challenge.

Ferris pre-veterinary junior Olivia Crapsey often turns to her religion as an outlet when she’s stressed.

“As a Christian, I pray when I am frustrated or out of touch with things,” Crapsey said. “It really helps to talk through things and try and work them out.”

Crapsey also takes care of herself by exercising. She tries to go as often as she can, which is usually three times a week. She believes self-care is very important because life can get overwhelming, which is why she tries to take the best care of herself.

Ferris pre-veterinary senior Lauren Thomas agreed that working out can help release stress.

“Running is a really big thing that helps me a lot,” Thomas said. “Napping also really helps. I don’t know if that’s avoiding the problem, but for me that helps to not think about it for a while.”

Besides exercising and using drugstore face masks to destress, Thomas finds peace through her seven pets. She has a rabbit, three guinea pigs, two mice and a gecko. Playing and spending time with them helps her get through the daily struggles of college and makes her happy.

Thomas advises freshmen to involve themselves with their passions on campus to distract from daily worries. She said it is also best to talk about issues to other people.

Ferris mechanical engineering sophomore Nick DelMoro stays positive by reflecting on his day and all the good it had brought him. DelMoro likes to forget about anything rough that happened and take a smoke break to relieve the stress.

“It is very important to take care of yourself,” DelMoro said. “If you can’t take care of yourself, then you can’t take care of the people you love.”

Wisner said self-care is essential in order to survive college.

“It’s important to practice self-care and give yourself time to unwind,” Wisner said. “College is an extremely stressful and difficult environment to live in and the best way to succeed is to put your well-being ahead of school. You should make yourself a priority.”

Self-care essentials

Oil diffuser: Aromatherapy is one of the best self-care tools. Essential oils can calm you down, wake you up or put you to sleep, depending on which kind you use. Lavender oil helps reduce anxiety and promotes relaxation. Peppermint oil will help improve your mood and allow you to focus. Cedarwood can help you fall asleep and has also been said to aid with congestion and coughing.

Face masks: Not only can face masks help your complexion, but they also offer users an opportunity to relax while the mask is on. Peel masks, foaming masks and sheet masks are all good options, depending on your purpose. Just be sure to test a little bit of the mask on your wrist first to ensure the ingredients will not irritate your skin.

Journal: If you like to write, logging your experiences in a journal may be beneficial. Whether you’re reporting good days, bad days or all days, journaling can be therapeutic for some because it allows people to release their feelings in a private manner.

Coloring book: Fun self-care comes in the form of adult coloring books (or children’s coloring books – we’re not here to judge). Coloring in intricate images makes people slow down and focus on the picture, rather than on their stress.

Tea: A warm cup of tea in your favorite mug can often fix a bad mood. If tea isn’t your thing, try hot chocolate. If caffeine makes you anxious, be sure to pick a caffeine-free beverage.