News for Students

Information for incoming and current students of Ferris State University

In a time such as this where new information emerges each day, it is important to stay up to date.

As of right now, most of Ferris is already closed to the public. There are still some students living in dorms or in the campus suites, but dining options are limited, and classes are all online.

As we approach the summer semester, those limitations will become even more enforced. In a decision to ensure the health and safety of Ferris students and faculty, all residence halls and dining halls will not be reopened during the summer semester, and all summer semester classes will be delivered remotely.

This decision prompts the question of whether classes will be held in person in the fall or not. Given the risks, the academic colleges plan to continue holding remote classes until it is safe to return, but as for when that may be, it is too soon to tell.

“Our students’ and faculty’s ability to pivot quickly to remote learning and their resiliency these past five weeks has been inspiring and has demonstrated our dedication and great Bulldog spirit,” said Dean of Student Life Joy Pulsifer.

Her words are demonstrated in the steps taken to continue promoting the school for incoming freshmen. Many on-campus events, such as Dawg Days and Admitted Student Open House, have been canceled due to safety risks, but virtual forms of orientation and recorded Open Houses are available. There are also informational events for those considering studying at Ferris, including enhancing the virtual tour of the university with a 360-degree view of many of the campus buildings.

“Visiting a campus in-person is critically important so that students and their families can get a true sense of the physical place as well as the culture of an institution,” said Ferris Dean of Enrollment Services Kristen Salomonson.

There was already a four-day Admitted Student Week series which provided a Q&A for incoming students, and during the week of Monday, April 27, there will be a five-day event series in which students can learn more about Ferris and the academic colleges. Each day will have a keynote welcome including President Eisler.

Salomonson is hoping for high attendance since the first two events each had 78 students who stayed for the entire segment.

Incoming students are still encouraged to sign up for orientation and to monitor their emails, as it will likely take place in a virtual format. Admissions faculty are continuing to work remotely in order to process applications and accept incoming freshmen and transfer students.