Everyone has had their fair share of dates that have gone wrong from their date being rude, to just downright disgusting.
Industrial chemical and technology senior Breanna Kociba said that her worst date happened over the summer in Grand Rapids. She met the guy on Tinder, and they hit it off really well, but when it came down to date time, he did not perform.
“He was super rude to the waitress and the entire time he was just hinting to go back to his place to do the dirty deed,” Kociba said. “After the date, I made sure to get away from him and block his number.”
Kociba said that she no longer uses Tinder because most of the people she meets on it are immature. She said that first dates will always be a make or break for her. Common curtesy, manners and an overall respect are just some of the qualities that she will look for in a date.
A common way young adults nowadays are looking for that special someone is through dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble and Grindr. Most of the time this isn’t the best place to look as most of these dates are already set for failure. You can also meet people through mutual friends or even your ex.
Human resources management sophomore Emma Gauthier said that one of her worsts dates happened when she went to Applebee’s. Gauthier met the guy through mutual friends, and this was one of the first dates that she had ever been on.
“The guy just couldn’t hold a conversation and just talked about football the entire time,” Gauthier said. “Very stereotypical jock type.”
Gauthier said that she went on the date to officially give him a reason to not go on another. At the end of the date she said that he texted her asking for another date. When she turned him down, he blew up on her with a long text message.
Business administration senior Tommy Tran said that he was in a relationship for three years and took his girlfriend on many dates. They are no longer together, but he said that there are a few dates that they went on that go down as the worst.
“One of the first dates that we went on together was to a Steak and Shake after a high school football game,” Tran said. “Honestly the date was perfect, but the restaurant was dirty and there were some drunk people in the restaurant that were being super loud, obnoxious and rude to employees. I made sure to tip well.”
Tran said that he hasn’t been looking to date anyone for some time and that he is just looking to graduate right now. He does have a Tinder and will go on there from time to time so see if anyone may pop up.
It is never too late to go out and find the right person or have the worst date of your life.