Communication has been completely revolutionized by technology, but not necessarily for the better.
It has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. If you wanted to talk to your friend down the street, you jumped on your bike, rode to his house and talked in person. Now all it takes is picking up your cell phone and sending a quick text.
The invention of the Internet and the cell phone has allowed us to talk to virtually anyone in the world at the drop of a hat. Some students don’t even remember using a calling card or a payphone.
People are so caught up in Facebook, Twitter and other communication sources, that they often forget how to just call someone. It’s awesome that you can contact someone and make plans for an entire evening with two text messages. The ease of which we can connect with one another has made some forget the importance of talking.
I’m not talking about instant messaging. I’m talking about picking up the phone and calling the person. If you haven’t spoken with someone for a while or just want to chat with your best friend, a phone call is the way to go. Voice inflection and tone are nonexistent when online chatting.
Hearing your friend or significant other laugh on the phone is infinitely better than an LOL in a text message. People often save phone calls for when it’s “important.” What does that really say to the person you call? Are they only important enough to call once a week?
The phrase “it’s not what you say but how you say it,” is a cliché and is often overused. However, it represents that you truly can’t know what someone is saying without hearing it. Somehow an exclamation mark doesn’t quite capture someone’s excitement.
I am just as guilty as the next person for texting and email chatting in place of a call. It takes less effort to do and you can erase a something before sending it. Changing a thought or erasing a mistake takes away from whom you are. Don’t let technology diminish a conversation with your best friend. n