Dodge this

Students play dodgeball in honor of Homecoming week

Entertainment Unlimited put together homecoming dodgeball, allowing students to have fun with friends and the campus community in celebration of homecoming week.

Taking place at the Student Recreation Center, roughly 30 students came to play some dodgeball. Members who were part of and not a part of Entertainment Unlimited participated in the rounds. The largest game was nine against nine, where participants battled to be the last team standing. Participants could also try chucking a ball into the opposite basketball hoop to bring a teammate back into the game. The teams also made it a point to be cordial with each other throughout the matches, as good sportsmanship was expected by everyone playing.

Professional tennis management sophomore Remy Book participated in every game while he attended the event. When describing the importance of the community coming together, he used the term “camaraderie.”

Music and entertainment business senior Jayden Anderson unleashes a throw. Photo by: Shaunti’ara Reynolds | Freelance Photographer

“It brings everything together,” Book said. “It makes a family vibe.  It makes it more welcoming for incoming freshmen and other students that don’t know people as much on campus, and it makes it easier for them to get introduced to more people and make more friends.”

President of Entertainment Unlimited and public relations senior Vinny Short gave a rundown on how the idea of homecoming dodgeball came about.

“It’s important for people to have a good time while they’re here on campus,” Short said. “It’s homecoming week and that’s the main reason why we’re doing it. We wanted to provide something interactive for students to do during homecoming week. It’s a tradition that we do something kind of competitive and this year we wanted to do dodgeball, and everyone jumped at the idea because kids love dodgeball. We thought it would have a great turnout because it’s fun to do for homecoming week on a Thursday night.”

Short mentioned the importance of hosting these events for the student community and how similar events they have hosted in the past received large turnouts.

Medical laboratory sciences senior Allison Leslie, who is a homecoming ambassador candidate, described what it felt like to play dodgeball with students all across campus.

“It’s cool to see this many people come out and do stuff like this,” Leslie said. “And it’s not just a small club, it’s people from all different grade levels, all different majors and it’s really cool that it’s something that everyone has a common interest about and that’s what makes it awesome to see everyone come together.”

Leslie additionally stated that she wouldn’t have come to the event if it wasn’t for her being a homecoming ambassador and it was more fun than she anticipated. She hopes people learn to come out of their shells and get involved on campus, so they can make new friends and learn new things.

Entertainment Unlimited plans to host more events for the rest of the semester to offer fun and unique opportunities where students can get involved on campus at no cost.