I’m not really one for resolutions. For the most part, they’re empty promises that we make to feel good about ourselves. In reality, six months from now you probably won’t be going to the […]
Chat with the Chief: Dishonored
When I got to Ferris three years ago, I was an honor student. Was. Long story short, my first semester here was rough for a lot of reasons, not the […]
Chat with the Chief: St-st-stutter
I have a stutter. Ever since I was a little kid, I have been tripping over my words, losing them somewhere in my mouth while my tongue tries to keep […]
Chat with the Chief: Scraping pennies
I’ll level with you: money is a little tight for this newspaper woman at the moment. Despite having given up fancy coffee drinks years ago, and all but neglecting […]
Chat with the Chief: Elderly drivers
People 60 and older should take a comprehensive, practical driving exam every two years to renew their license. I know some people will automatically write me off as being a […]
Chat with the Chief: Travel exhaustion
This past week, several members of the Torch staff had the honor of being sent to the College Media Association and Associate Collegiate Press conference, hosted in Dallas, Texas. While this wasn’t my first time flying […]
Chat with the Chief: Got milk?
As a result of living in a different state, I travel quite a bit. As a general rule, this means lots of road trips, a part of my life that […]
Chat with the Chief: Ready or not
This week I did something that made me proud, panicked, excited and terrified all at once– something that I hope all of you will get to do at some point: […]
Chat with the Chief: Let them smoke
Smoking cigarettes is revolting. My dad smoked when I was growing up and I can still remember the stale smell that hung on him when he would come in my […]
Chat with the Chief: That noise
We’ve all done it; turned up the radio a little to drown it out, put a cute figurine on the dashboard so you can’t see the emergency lights, pretended you […]