The Ferris State Torch promotes civil discussion and debate about issues presented both in the newspaper and on the website,
User comments are automatically posted; however, staff will strive to moderate and remove comments that do not follow the following rules. By submitting a comment on, the user agrees to abide by the following rules:
- The user agrees to not submit inappropriate comments. Inappropriate comments include but are not limited to content that:
- Violates copyright, trademark or intellectual property laws
- Is pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit
- Violates local, state, national or international laws
- Contains advertising, spam or solicitation of any kind
- Degrades others on the basis of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religion
- Impersonates others
- Is libelous or defamatory
- The user bears full responsibility for comments posted on The user will notify The Ferris State Torch/ if he or she discovers a comment violates these rules.
- By submitting a comment, the user agrees to allow The Ferris State Torch to print the username and comment in the newspaper and elsewhere.
- The user understands that a violation of comment rules can result in the removal of the comment and could be subject to further investigation.