Torch News Briefs

Recycling in the Quad

Ferris Recyclers will be collecting recyclables in the quad on Oct. 14 from 12 to 4:30 p.m. Check the Ferris Recyclers web site to find out what is recyclable. For more information contact Angela Eick at

David Coleman: “The Dating Doctor”

Entertainment Unlimited presents David Coleman, known nationwide as “The Dating Doctor” and “America’s Real-Life Hitch.” He has been honored 12 times as The National Speaker of the Year. He is the author of the book “Making Relationships Matter” as well as “Date Smart!” and “101 Great Dates.” This free, 5-Star Event will take place on Oct. 14 in Williams Auditorium from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information contact EU at or call x2610.

Global Reflections

This open dialogue to discuss globalization will take place on Oct. 15 from 5 to 6 p.m. in IRC 109. Global Reflections is part of the Globalization Initiative, a campus-wide project meant to increase global awareness at Ferris and in the Big Rapids community. For more information contact Janel Lockwood at or call x2809.

Zonta Fights Poverty

The Zonta Club of the Big Rapids Area is taking donations of nonperishable food items to be donated to Project Starburst. This is part of a United Nations Campaign to help stamp out poverty and will take place on Oct. 16 from 12:10 to 12:20 p.m. at the Big Rapids City Library. For more information contact Mae Emerson at

Club Hockey Fights Cancer

On Oct. 17 the Ferris State Club Hockey Team will be hosting Grand Valley in support of breast cancer awareness. Admission is $3. Proceeds will benefit Susan G. Komen For the Cure Grand Rapids. The game takes place at 12 p.m. in Ewigelben Ice Arena. For more information contact Mailee Xiong at or call 989-351-0761

Film: “Not Evil, Just Wrong”

The Ferris College Republican’s present the showing of the film “Not Evil, Just Wrong,” concerning the debates caused by global warming. This free event takes place on Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Centennial Dining Room. For more information contact the FSU College Republicans.