UPDATED: Morgan Toms Elected as SG President

Morgan Toms, the sole can­di­date for Student Government President, has been elected as Student Government President-Elect after receiving 203 out of 253 votes.

Toms, a junior in the busi­ness administration/legal stud­ies pro­gram, has many goals for the cam­pus and com­mu­nity. Among those goals include mak­ing Student Government more avail­able to RSOs (Registered Student Organizations) and putting an empha­sis on underclassmen.

“I’m super excited to have this opportunity and an impact on the campus and the community,” said Toms of being elected.

Toms feels under­class­men are very impor­tant to the uni­ver­sity as they will be around here the longest and have poten­tial to become lead­ers, Toms said in her Mar. 24 presentation.

Currently, Toms is focused on getting next year’s cabinet for Student Government set up. She said she will present her cabinet before the final adjournment of the year.

“There’s people I want to sit down with and get advice from,” she said in regards to choosing her cabinet members.

Toms added, “It’s hard because there’s so many excellent people from Student Government.”

Helping events to become more acces­si­ble to stu­dents is also a goal of Toms and she is going to keep an open con­nec­tion with DPS (Department of Public Safety) and will con­tinue work­ing with Jerry Scoby, vice pres­i­dent of admin­is­tra­tion and finance of the Pedestrian Safety Task Force.

As for the up-and-coming BIG Event, Toms said she would imple­ment the same amount of excite­ment and pas­sion that cur­rent Student Government pres­i­dent and founder Claire Gould has.

Toms will imple­ment a men­tor pro­gram, which will help make new mem­bers to Student Government feel wel­come and she plans to get more stu­dents engaged in var­i­ous cam­pus activities.

Additionally, Toms is plan­ning on “bridg­ing the gap” between the Ferris cam­pus and the Big Rapids com­mu­nity. She will make plans to form a stu­dent com­mit­tee for the city.

With the on-going prob­lems of park­ing issues, Toms is going to take action by com­mu­ni­cat­ing with DPS and wel­com­ing inno­v­a­tive, cre­ative ideas to find a solu­tion to the problem.