Five new machines were delivered Feb. 15—three recumbent exercise bikes and two upright bikes to replace some of the broken cardio equipment.
Last week, it was reported that nine fitness machines were in disrepair, including bikes, ellipticals and a stair-climber. Students were complaining, and until last week, little explanation was offered from University Recreation officials.
On Feb. 16, a campus-wide letter was sent to Ferris students notifying them of the new equipment.
“I come to the Rec every day,” said Ferris forensic biology major Kayla Kunde. “I got the e-mail about the bikes and came right over.”
No longer are SRC patrons left in the dark. Instead of the bold yellow “out of order” signs dotting the scene, purple notices are placed on the remaining damaged machinery apologizing for the inconvenience, and explaining the situation.
“I really like the new equipment,” said Ferris junior Amy Thueme. “And I’m really happy they put the signs up explaining how they’re bringing in new equipment.”
Besides the five machines delivered last Tuesday, 10 new machines are being arranged for delivery, including eight new ellipticals and two spinning bikes.
This adds to several machines added last summer.
“We have been working on this for some time,” said Cindy Horn, director of university recreation. “Most of the equipment is 13 years old or older.”
Using a onetime allocation of $50,000 granted by the University, the SRC was able to afford the new purchases. Normally, they are able to spend only a fraction of their budget on maintaining fitness machinery.
In the works is a maintenance agreement, allowing the new additions to be inspected and maintained by professionals at least three times a year.
Weightlifters will notice some new additions as well. Added to the current equipment are brand new insured dumbbells.
Many of the older weights were too badly damaged, and several were even stolen. The new sets purchased come with a lifetime warranty. According to Horn, these weights are “in use and seem to be well received.” n