Torch Review- November 30, 2011

French Horn Rebellion-

French Horn Rebellion mixes the many cultures of the world with their music video “What I Want.” I was able to see a sneak preview of the album that will be debuting state-side on Dec. 6. The limited tracks I was able to see and listen to were all very amusing. While the synthesized sound and lyrics are mediocre, the overall appeal of the music videos alone makes me want more. Some of this is due to the strange scenery and overall phantasmagorical visions created in Korean streets by a band famous in the UK and originally from Milwaukee, Wis. With music that falls into the mediocre, French Horn Rebellion has certainly pulled themselves out of the rut of obscurity with their pension of the odd and whimsical. I enjoyed the music videos overall, and I recommend watching them if you get a chance.

Slipknot- Iowa 10th Anniversary
Special Edition

I won’t mince words; ten years ago when this album came out, I thought it was terrible. I’ve since then learned to at least appreciate Slipknot and what Iowa means to many other fellow metal heads. Slipknot paved the way for other bands like Blue Felix, Mudvayne and helped prop up Mushroomhead as well as a host of other lesser known bands who use masks and/or makeup during performances. They’re not all the same, and out of the groups mentioned, Slipknot I feel is the worst. With more “behind the scenes” action, I didn’t have to listen to the same songs over and over again. I got to see a peek of who these guys actually were without all the extra shenanigans. I’ve always appreciated the talent that goes into making a mask and an alter-ego for the stage, but I was very glad to say that this wasn’t the focus for the re-release of Iowa.


This piece is a nice addition to the section. I was a little confused by the headline though. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but “Torch Review” sounds like a review of the Torch, rather than a music review.

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