Best of Babble

A round-up of quotes from FSU students

What’s the worst way to break up with someone?

“Ignoring the person and then changing your Facebook relationship status without them knowing.”

Kelli Crow, pharmacy

What’s your favorite pickup line?

“Do you like Little Caesars? ‘Cause you’re hot and I’m ready.”

Sarah Gilbert, molecular diagnostics

What’s your favorite thing about the warm weather?

“Shirtless men. Other than that, I hate summer.”

Tracey Buchanan, early childhood development education

Why do you have a crush on the person you do?

“She’s hot, she’s got a big butt and she’s nice.”

Raz Harris, criminal justice

What is your dream job?

“I would like to do two things: I would either be a freestyle motorcross dude or a ravoli taster. ”

Jim Andrews, television and digital media production

What is more dangerous, alcohol or marijuana?

“I think alcohol is worse than marijuana. You can overdose with alcohol and get poisoning. Marijuana just makes you want to eat a lot of food, so you just gain a lot of weight.”

Craig Franke, professional golf management

Stanwood, a small town off of US-131, is trying to open a topless bar. How do you feel about that type of bar opening up nearby ?

“I think college kids should get a discount! It’s something to do and provides job opportunities for young college females.”

Aaron Riley, criminal justice

If you could control one thing about your future, what would you choose?

“It’s a tossup that I have five boys to make a basketball team, or that the Rock gets better food.”

Chrys Killebrew, English

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?

“Drop out of Ferris.”

Anthony Belisle, resort management

What is your opinion on the Ferris Fest Headliners All Time Low and Travis Porter?

“I don’t know who either of them are.”

Cameron Swartz, automotive engineering technology

Do you believe in paranomal activity?

“Yes, because one time when I fell asleep, I felt like my soul left my body and took a trip to an unknown place where there were demons. Before the demons could enter my body, my soul returned.”

Ryan Laughlin, professional golf management