“The Ferris State Student Government Association is the central entity for all Ferris State students, organizations and academic colleges,” said Andrew Kalinowski, president of the organization. “The mission of Student Government is to represent FSU student interest in campus life as well as maintain open channels of communication between student, faculty, staff, administration, and the Big Rapids community.”
Some of the activities the group has taken part in range from the State of the University event in October, a Town Hall Debate and a Holiday Food Drive for Project Starburst in collaboration with the American Marketing Association. The food drive is currently going on and will end on December 5.
“My favorite activity this semester has been the State of the University,” said Kalinowski. “This was my favorite event this fall because it increases transparency and the relationship between the student body and the administration. President Eisler, VP of Student Affairs Dr. Ward-Roof and myself provided an update and hosted a panel of discussion where students [could] ask questions and provide their input.”
Another of Kalinowski’s favorite events is Pancakes with the President, which is coming up on December 8 from 10 to 12 pm. There is no admission charge. “Ferris State University students are invited to take a break from studying and fuel up for final exams by enjoying pancakes with the President,” he said. “President David Eisler will be joined by faculty and staff members who will serve students breakfast. This event will be held at the Rock and will welcome all Ferris Students. The last event had a record breaking attendance with over 1,000 students last spring.”
Students can also look forward to many exciting events in the spring semester, including the first ever Leadership Dinner. Student Government is inviting two representatives from every RSO on campus to the dinner, where they will be addressed by many of the top administrators on campus, including President Eisler and several of the Vice Presidents and Deans. “The thesis behind having the event,” said Kalinowski, “is to promote networking between the administration and the student body, as well as create opportunity for students to learn about other organizations and host better events. Haley Lomba, Director of Operations, will be coordinating this innovative event.”
The most well-known Student Government event hosted in the spring is the annual BIG Event, which will take place on April 18th. The organization expects to serve over 250 homes this year with over 1500 volunteers.
This is Kalinowski’s second school year as president of the Student Government. “Being Ferris State Student Government President has been one of the best experiences of my life,” he said. “I care so much about this great university and the students who attend. I am so happy that I was elected into office for another term. This school has done so much for me and I want to give back to Ferris State and the Student Body. I have learned so much this past term as Student Government President. We have seen the importance of transparency, representation, collaboration, and student leadership.” Kalinowski also wishes to express his appreciation and recognize the Student Government Executive Board and Advisors.
“Any student can join student government,” said Kalinowski. “A student can either be a Representative of their Registered Student Organization or a Senator of their Academic College. Students benefit by enhancing their resume; meeting new friends; networking with students, Ferris State Administration, employers, and the community; and by gaining exceptional experience in speaking, diversity, event planning, leading, managing, finance and more. Registered Student Organizations benefit by having control over student funding; having networking and collaboration opportunities with other Registered Student Organizations, Ferris State Departments, Big Rapids Community and other resources and by obtaining experience through their representative that they can transfer to enhance their organization. Student Government is a great place to implement change, benefit yourself and to maximize an organization. It is a great opportunity to be a part of this great organization of your fellow students.”
Any student interested in joining Student Government is invited to attend meetings, which take place every Monday in room 202 of the Student Center at 6 pm.