Learning to function as an adult

A guide to embracing creativity while growing up

Students entering adulthood must take time off from studying to enjoy their passions.
Students entering adulthood must take time off from studying to enjoy their passions. FSU Photo Services
Everyone reaches that special day. The day where the balloons drop, confetti scatters the floor and the sign reads, “you’ve made it to adulthood!”

Not really, but a lot of student’s feel there’s a more dreary transition to adulthood. There’s less relax time, you’re working more hours and bills pile up. Some of these wholeheartedly rule, but some of them restrict us.

If there’s one thing I’ve confronted multiple times while at college, it’s the internal struggle of balancing our passions and what society deems as mature. But we can easily do both, luckily.

Not pursuing our true dreams is too common. People stow away their dreams of art or finishing a novel or dancing for a slice of the American Dream.

Does, “I would do it if it made more money,” sound familiar? But here’s the catch: we can still do what we love while pursuing more fiscally stable careers. This is important because it is too easy to lose your soul to 9-5 America.

As a senior, the pressure is on to conform and abandon my most surreal passions for a white picket fence and a minivan. It doesn’t have to be this way, though.

Everyone has passions. Art, writing and music are just a few examples. If you’re shy about making your whole life about your passion, then just squeeze in some time to embrace it. Spend a few hours painting with friends, go to a poetry night or anything that brings you true bliss.

The point is this: our dreams matter. What makes your heart flutter will always bring a light into your life, just don’t let it go out. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho describes it wonderfully: “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”