Ferris awards $163.7 million in financial aid
Ferris recently reported it awarded $163.7 million in financial aid to 11,419 students this academic year. The Financial Aid Office also reported having received 5,670 calls this past August.
Za Best of Za Best
The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) will host Ferris’ largest pizza event at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 1 in the IRC with Za Best of Za Best. Pizza King, Pizza Hut, Lucky Louie’s Pizza, Pizza in Paris and The Rock will compete for the best pizza in Big Rapids. Proceeds from the event will be split between Angels of Action in Big Rapids and PRSSA. DJ CHoFF will provide music and prizes will be given away throughout the event.
Commencement application deadline
Students who plan on graduating or participating in the fall 2015 commencement ceremony must submit an online graduation application by Friday, Oct. 16. To apply, log onto MyFSU and go to MyRecords. For more information on fall commencement, visit ferris.edu/htmls/current/commencement.
Eisler to speak about Ferris’ strategic planning
Ferris President David Eisler will conduct a forum on assessing the university’s “Living Our Values” plan at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 29, in University Center room 202C and again at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 1, in UC 203. Eisler plans to share progress on the strategic plan, which highlights Ferris’ core values.