Divided Opinions

Should the U.S. government reinstate the draft

Will Holden | Torch Photographer

Should American bring the draft back?

In earlier days of America, the military was not the volunteer service as it is now. Most of the people in the military were drafted, meaning they had no choice to be in the military. I believe drafting should not be brought back because, as an American citizen, you should always have a choice on what you what to do with your life. Being forced to be a part of America’s fighting force is a huge responsibility. That is why only one percent of the nation’s citizens qualify for the military.

As a military patriot, you must be mentally and physically strong to handle taking orders, being out on the battlefield and dealing with other people in the military as well.

I believe that the draft should not be brought back because of Vietnam. The Vietnam War was one of the worst wars that the U.S. has ever been a part of. Vietnam also is one of the longest wars that the U.S. has ever been a part of: a total of 17.4 years. Why should people of minority fight for a country that does not support them? The people of minority would not want to go to war when America has shown so much hatred towards them. Even when the army allowed people of color to join, they were still treated differently from the white soldiers.

Fighting for the same country and wearing the same uniform should not make you different from any other person. All soldiers should have equal rights and opportunities.

America still has a lot to work on when it comes to all men being equal and being treated the same way. I believe the draft should not be brought back.

Johnny Parshall | Opinions Editor

It’s been many years since this country has faced an overwhelming conflict like the two World Wars or Vietnam. We have the largest military personnel in the world per capita, and the third largest overall ranking behind China and India by a relatively small margin. It would be a stretch to say we ever need to bring back what might be considered an unnecessary and antiquated institution.

There might be some benefits to having a modernized version of the selective service. While I disagree forcing young men to face violent combat against their wishes or morals should ever again be an option, with some tweaking and fine tuning, conscription could be once again a possibility. The same applies to women, though historically they were not part of the draft.

In some countries, such as Norway and Israel, military service is mandatory for all young persons. Without it, these young persons are not granted full benefits of citizenship. We could theoretically enact a similar practice, but with a wider definition of service. AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps, American Red Cross and the United Nations are examples that could offer service options alternative to the military.

Institutions such as the military and those listed above teach service, selflessness, discipline, personal care, money management and other healthy practices. They keep young people out of poverty, out of jail, away from crime and out of dead-end fast food employment. They create a productive, more educated workforce and voting populace.

Maybe we shouldn’t reinstitute the draft. It still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many whose families suffered tragedy on its behalf. And it’s no false statement American minorities suffered most. (My source? Muhammad Ali.) But modern alternatives, such as tax incentives and other life-long benefits, might be the winning advantage to promoting national service. But probably not the draft.