Birkam Health Center
Birkam Health Center is the medical outpatient clinic located in the center of campus.
Compared with a community medical center, Birkam accepts walk-ins and takes appointments for illnesses and minor injuries. Run by two family physicians, four registered nurses, a registered pharmacist and an office staff, Birkam treats 15,000 patients annually.
Various services are offered. Students can receive allergy injections, purchase over the counter medicine, stay up to date on immunizations and be tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Women have the opportunity at Birkam to receive contraceptives, as well as a breast exam, pelvic exam and a PAP smear, which is recommended every other year for women over the age of 21. Confidential pregnancy testing is also offered.
Basic laboratory testing including blood sugar and urinalysis can be done on site. Otherwise, students can submit samples and have them sent to family physicians for testing.
Last, but not least, Birkam offers individual weight control programs with professional help and support.
Personal Counseling
Personal counseling is offered to any student on campus. Located in the Birkam Health Center are licensed, accredited mental health professionals.
Their goal is to assist students with psychological development and provide short-term professional counseling. Therapists will help students determine their problems and set goals to solve them.
Any student in need of counseling will need to fill out intake paperwork online, and then an appointment with a therapist will be set.
Various reasons for counseling include depression, stress, anxiety, family issues, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, LGBTQ issues and alcohol and drug abuse.
There are also a limited number of support groups and educational workshops. Alcholics Anonymous (AA) meetings take place every Tuesday at 11 a.m.
Dental Hygiene Clinic
Ferris students have the option for dental care right on campus.
Students can get a cleaning done for only $15. This includes an oral screening for cancer, periodontal probing, fluoride treatment, cleaning, Listerine mouth rinse, floss, toothbrush and toothpaste.
Various x-rays including bitewing, full mouth and panorex (needed for when wisdom teeth are pulled) are offered at a fraction of the cost, and results can be sent right to a hometown dentist.
All services are performed by first- or second-year dental hygiene students under the supervision of a registered dental hygienist or dentist. This office is by appointment only and is open during the fall and spring semesters.
University Eye Center
Students also have the option for optometry care right on campus at the University Eye Center.
Comprehensive eye exams can be performed by students in their third or fourth year of professional school under the supervision of faculty. Faculty optometrists have the expertise to examine, diagnose and treat various eye and vision problems.
A checklist of what to bring to the appointment is available online for students. The primary care clinic recommends having someone available to drive if pupil dilation is necessary during the exam.
Different types of exams are offered to all ages. Baby examinations, learning difficulties and development exams, back to school exams and binocular vision exams are all available based on a person’s needs.
Students are also able to purchase new frames and lenses at University Eyewear located in the Michigan College of Optometry. n