Torch Ignites Romance

Stevie Miller, 54, and Greg Bovee, 55, were freshmen and strangers until one fateful photo lead to a romance that has lasted 37 years.

In 1972, during what was known as the “Three day Wonder” freshman orientation program at Ferris State University, Miller, health optics major, met Bovee, a pharmacy major, weeks before the fall semester. The two met for only moments in the Ward Hall cafeteria. They were in the same orientation group and had to ask each other questions.

“I saw her sitting down and just walked up to her and asked her what she was doing,” said Greg.

Protocol for Pre-Gaming

Tailgating goes back for over a hundred years with no sign of stopping soon.

According to, tailgating was first started in 1869 when the first college football game between the Rutgers and Princeton.

Tailgating often thought of as a way to support a team and and socialize with other fans has progressed since the 19th century into a veritable tradition.