The G.O.P. Comeback

Republican victories in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial elections were only the foot-in-the-door for any major Grand Old Party (G.O.P.) attempt to “take back” the country from the Democrats.

As much as I’d like to say that winning in New Jersey and Virginia was all the Republicans needed to forecast the political outlook of the country a year from now, I won’t. I’m not that naïve.

The G.O.P. still has too much work cut out for itself before supporters can even think about taking back the majority in Congress next year, let alone having a chance at the presidency in 2012.

Fix Your Own Car

More people take their vehicles to auto repair shops for simple repairs than fix them on their own.

Last weekend, I was at home and told my dad that my check engine light was on. I told him my water temperature gauge was not registering anything and he said he would look at it. Three hours later, he had changed the sensor and it was fixed.

Our generation has fewer and fewer people who are willing and able to make minor repairs to their own vehicles.