Torch Ignites Romance

Stevie Miller, 54, and Greg Bovee, 55, were freshmen and strangers until one fateful photo lead to a romance that has lasted 37 years.

In 1972, during what was known as the “Three day Wonder” freshman orientation program at Ferris State University, Miller, health optics major, met Bovee, a pharmacy major, weeks before the fall semester. The two met for only moments in the Ward Hall cafeteria. They were in the same orientation group and had to ask each other questions.

“I saw her sitting down and just walked up to her and asked her what she was doing,” said Greg.

Kanye, Why So Mean?

Kanye West is one of today’s musical geniuses.

The former hip-hop producer turned multi-platinum artist has influenced and collaborated with artists Fall out Boy, Jamie Foxx, Jay-Z, Sting, John Mayer, and Janet Jackson. The Chicago native even has time to open a restaurant chain, Fatburger, and create a clothing line called Pastelle. He even brought back tacky male 80s fashions.

Even though West is a super talented and eclectic guy, he is also a huge jerk. Most people would agree that Kanye is a bit on the mean-spirited side; however, I think there is a method to his meanness.