Homecoming is a time where we celebrate the beginning of school, students returning and, most of all, the Bulldog community gathering together again. On the Big Rapids campus, students, faculty […]
Posts by Meghan Hartley
Board games galore
There are many unique aspects to the bulldog community here on Ferris’ campus, one of them being the board game RSO. Established in the fall of 2018, the board game […]
10 Things To Keep In Your Backpack
With the school year beginning it’s good to be prepared for the day, whatever may come. Here are ten things you might want to keep in your backpack. 1. Facemasks. […]
The ALC Bringing Students To Sucess
If you have ever wondered how to get help in your classes for free without bugging your friends, the ALC is for you. The Academic Literacies Center, located in FLITE […]
Traditional & unique Ferris
Taking part in traditions and unique experiences are what make for a great start to the year, especially here on the bulldog campus. At Ferris, there are many great traditions […]
Classroom mask requirements
While life on campus may be returning to normal with in-person classes, masks will still need to be worn. On Aug. 12 it was announced that Ferris faculty, staff, students […]
Feeling the burn
As we all know this year has been nothing as we expected it to be from zoom class, COVID-19 tests, mounds of homework and feeling burned out. According to the […]
Beautifying Big Rapids
When going for a walk on hiking trails in the woods, you would expect to see trees and plants… Not a rusting sink. Casey Conley, a junior majoring in political […]
Senior Spotlight
Rolling into spring, graduating seniors are beginning to pull out their caps and gowns and are saying goodbye to their school days with an eagerness to finally be done with […]
I shouldn’t have to be afraid because of my gender
On March 3, Sarah Everard a 33 year old marketing executive, visited a friend’s home in Clapham, England. She reportedly left her friends home at 9 p.m. to walk 2.5 […]