Teaching their classes as game situations has netted some instructors positive effects on their students’ learning and retention. Ferris game design instructor Andrew Peterson claims there are huge benefits from […]
Posts by Tia-Jane Oakes
Dysfunctional society
Ferris students and faculty gathered to watch a movie that shed light on some of the huge inequalities that exists in today’s society. The screening of “Dysfunctional Societies” was hosted […]
Leading by example
Ferris State’s Entertainment Unlimited (EU) has invited a reality star from the show “Big Brother” to talk to students about leadership and team building. Dan Gheesling is the winner of […]
Torch Confessions: “Survival skills”
An average day for me contains lots of laughs, screams and smirks. I’m a senior in college working towards my bachelor’s degree and trying to keep my sanity at the […]
Wizard Night
Harry Potter Day was a day for students to share their magical inhibitions amongst each one another. Approximately 35 students were separated into teams and participated in a Harry Potter […]
Brownie points
Black Student Union (BSU) will soon host a bake sale to raise money for their recently reactivated organization. President of Black Student Union Durshana Kirby said the best way for […]
Not your average engineer
Women in the College of Engineering Technology (CET) came together to connect and embrace what made them choose their field at a dinner hosted by Ferris Tuesday, Feb. 7. Ferris […]
Don’t let the opportunities pass you by
Creating the opportunity for other students to network was the goal for student organizers of the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Network and Opportunities Summit on campus. Nearly 20 students from […]
Big Rapids gets cultural
The Festival of the Arts of Big Rapids invites students to participate in events they have planned this month for students and local residents. The first event kicks off 10 […]
Hard to say goodbye
People all over the country await the Trump administration’s takeover to see if he will live up to his campaign promises to make America great again. But before Trump receives […]