Golf with a Disc

The Ferris club disc golf team defeated Western Michigan 70-49 at the Michigan Intercollegiate Disc Golf Challenge (MIDGC) third event on Sunday. The event was held at Northend Riverside Park and included four students from Ferris. Disc golf is played similarly to conventional golf in that there are 18 holes and your score is the number of strokes total. Typically, events are scored using stroke-play, which is simply based on the total number of shots a competitor takes and the lowest score wins.

This event, however, was match-play and each hole was awarded a number of points. Brad Way, a senior in the construction management program, said the winner of the hole received two points; each person was awarded one point if they tied and the loser did not receive any points. This event was unique in that players of all skill levels could play because players were handicapped to their individual average.